Staying compliant with environmental regulations, MPAs (Marine Protected Areas) and precise maritime boundaries is a critical aspect of maritime operations. If you’re seeking an efficient tool to stay on top of these constantly changing factors, ECAP by EMH Systems is your solution. The software comes with a host of features that ensures smooth adherence to international and local maritime laws. With ECAP on board, you are furnished with real-time updates, enabling you to stay in line with the latest regulations. This seamless approach to compliance management takes away the headache of manual tracking, allowing you to focus on your core business operations. ECAP has garnered recognition from maritime professionals and ship management companies worldwide. Its robust features and effectiveness in easing compliance processes have earned it widespread acclaim. This recognition serves as a testament to the value and reliability that ECAP brings to your maritime operations.

ECAP software is an onboard planning and monitoring tool which makes it possible to meet the challenge of complying with regulations throughout the modern maritime world

Maritime Environmental HUB
Connecting the maritime industry into one single body where all the players exchange environmental information
EMH Systems is building bridges among the people responsible for legislation, vessel owners, and other stakeholders to promote better environmental responsibilities.
Ship's tonnage
Number of ships
Voyager per day
Why we do it?
* Tons of grey water not discharged over coral reefs and MPA’s